Friday, 20 June 2014

Children's Art Competition

Join us for our 2nd annual Laboratory Art Studio Children's Open Art Competition. This year The Laboratory’s is challenging children aged 4 to 16 years old across Essex to  Explore, Experiment and Create artwork based on the theme: In The Trees.

Entries could include Watercolours, canvas paintings, pastel drawings, bird life portraits, sculptures, photography, collage etc
The competition will be judged in three age categories with a prize for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place . The age categories are:

4-7 years 
8-11 years         
12-16 years       

There is a £2 entry fee to cover the cost of insurance and administration.
All entries MUST be submitted by 5pm 26th  June 2014. Awards will be presented on the 4th July at The Green Centre at Wat Tyler Country Park

Special Awards
Wat Tyler Best In Show Award - Selected by Wat Tyler Country Park

Best Interpretation of the theme, Woodlands and Wildlife - Selected by local MP Stephen Metcalfe
To request an application form email or pop into the studio at Wat Tyler Country Park

We look forward to seeing your entries

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